Soundee is integrated with, accepting over 50+ cryptocurrencies. Follow this guide, and we'll help you set it up. accepts the following cryptocurrencies:

Using App – Customers will be able to make payments in 22 Cryptocurrencies (CRO, USDC, TUSD, USDT, BTC, ETH, AAVE, BAL, COMP, CRV, DOGE, ENJ, KNC, LINK, LRC, LTC, MKR, REN, SNX, UNI, WBTC, XRP, YFI, SHIB) via the App. 

Note: USDC, TUSD, USDT stable coins are unavailable for Singapore app users. USDT is not available for Hong Kong users.

Using other Ethereum/ERC-20 compatible wallets – 28 Cryptocurrencies (CRO, USDC, TUSD, USDT, ETH, WETH, WBTC, AAVE, BAL, COMP, CRV, DPI, ENJ, FARM, HBTC, KNC, LINK, LRC, MKR, MTA, NEST, REN, renBTC, SNX, SWRV, TRU, UMA, UNI, YFI) if they pay using other Ethereum/ERC-20 compatible wallets.

Using Bitcoin wallets – Customers can also pay using their own BTC wallets.

You can also accept cryptocurrencies from wallets other than App. However, you may need to verify your business with and update your payment method preference in "settings."

For more info about pay and settings, please follow this link:

How to integrate with Soundee

Sign up for a Pay account if you don't already have one.

Once you have access to the Pay Merchant Dashboard, You will be able to generate a secret key and publishable key pair. You can find the API keys inside the Developers > API Keys tab.

Soundee only needs your Publishable Key. Your key should start with pk_live_. Click the copy button, then go back to Soundee Studio > Integrations > and paste it into the field.

Important note: please make sure to paste your live key and not your test key. Otherwise, the customer will be able to make a payment without actually paying for it.

Then click "connect."

Once you're connected, your customers will see the option to pay with Crypto on your player/website's checkout page.

After clicking the button, they will be redirected to a page to select their preferred app or wallet to complete their purchase. 

Note: cryptocurrency is currently not supported for cart items containing collaborations as orders with multi-sellers are only supported by PayPal.